Inside a reviewer's bag (photo above)
I am presently enrolled in Review Innovations, a review center that produces successful C.E. through the years. It's been a month of review. Though not yet fully motivated, I'm doing efforts in order to study well enough to pass the board. As days go by, I am enlightened on the things that I need to do. Sacrifice is a must, focus is needed, the time allotted for review is very important, every second counts. It is better to stay away from extra curricular activities, it's best to study hard, tutal after the board naman, it will be all worth it.
Here are some of the "must know" in C.E. Board exam:
Board of Civil Engineering
Hydraulics May 2004 Engr.Apollo S. Enriquez-Chairman
Design Nov 2009 Engr. Praxedes P. Bernardo-Member
Math Nov 2009 Engr. Nigel Paul Villarete-Member
Schedule of C.E. Board Exam:
Nov 20 8-1 Math
2-6 Hydraulics
Nov 21 8-1 Design
*Transcript of Records (T.O.R.)
with date of Graduation
with remark "For Board Exam Purposes"
with printed scanned photo
*Birth Certificate
NSO Issued (in NSO Security paper)
*Marriage Certificate (if married)
*Community Tax Certificate (cedula)
Subjects covered for C.E. Licensure Exam
1. Mathematics, Surveying, Transportation Eng'g- 35%
2. Hydraulics and Geotrechnical Eng'g- 30%
3. Structural Eng'g and Construction- 35%
Types of Examinations
Situational Type of Problem (usually)
-10 problems
-3 questions per problem
Multiple Choice Type of Questions
Selected Problems by Computers (randomly selected per topic)
Scores needed to pass the licensure exam
1.passing percentage of 70%
e.g. Math = 70x0.35 =24.50%
Hydraulics = 85x0.30 =25.50%
Struct.Eng'g = 60x0.35 =21.00%
Total =70 %
2.must not have a grade for each subjects that is lower than 50%
3.no erasures
Here's a tip for studying suggested by our instructor:
Exam is 5 hours per part
There are 30 items per part
Thus, you should answer 9 mins. per problem
Answering 60 problems per day is advisable but if you find it hard to do try answering 5 problems on day 1 of review, then 6 on 2nd day, 7 on 3rd day, and so on. If you have 150 days to study you will be able to answer
Sn= n/2 (2a + (n-1) d) = 150/2 [(2x5) + (150-1) 1) ] = 11925 problems
Nice di ba! :D
Do not study when your stomach is full, because the brain is focused on digestion, maybe you can review 2 hours after meal. Our instructor also told us that effective study time is at dawn, when imagination is much active.
Lastly, my way of motivating myself:
Kuya Yan says "Do it for yourself."
Think of the people who will be proud of you, your school, teachers, friends and especially your family.
Be inspired by the people you admire.
Think of the opportunities waiting for you in the industry, and the chance to contribute for the betterment of the country and the world.
Lastly, one of my favorite advice: study hard, PRAY harder.
After all naman, it is for GOD, it's giving importance to the opportunities and blessings he has given to us. :D
Good vibes to all that will take the C.E. board November 2010.

Thanks for this Ms. Jez. :)