Meet my newest family, the CCD-BD team. CCD stands for Customer Care Department while BD is Business Development. We had the same department head, thus, we are inseparable during birthday treats and night-outs.I am with them for 5 months now and I guess I'll continue counting. I am real grateful to work with them. A mixture of amazing, fun to be with, intelligent individuals. Most of us are engineers and they get to share things I must know in our profession. It's a fresh, good start. Thank GOD I',m learning everyday. I may not have fulfilled my Ayala dreams but being a Shaw girl felt nice.
My first CCD Night Out- Club Chicago, Metrowalk Ortigas
Left: Sir Allan, Elgie, Jayr, Lester, Miss Mae, Jessa, Gremar;
Right: Lester, Jess, Jessa, Elgie, Sir Allan
Miss Mae's birthday celebration in office
Left: Miss Mae's birthday treat in Buddy's QC; Right: CCD Night-out-Cruise Ship, Manila Bay
From the Department of Love and Care,

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