My Top 10 Delighted Moments will came from the awesomeness of the Breaking Dawn Part 2 movie;
1. Renesmee and Jacob love team. I'm a Jacob fan convert when they filmed New Moon. Although I knew that little Cullen will be Jacob's love interest during the Breaking Dawn, I waited for years just to see it and feel it real in the movie. Haha. It seems to be a May-December affair at first but when Nessie is all grown up, all the kilig in me just bursts out. ♥ Jacob's protection and care for Nessie is way too lovely.
2. The fatherly love. That moment when Charlie is so anxious about Bella's current condition. I am almost teary eyed during that father-daughter conversation on the Cullen's home.
3. Jacob's transformation in front of Charlie. Must be one of the funniest scene. And hottest! That moment when Jacob took his clothes off in front of the clueless Charlie. "I just want to show something." Hahaha. He was then transformed into a wolf.
4. The Invitation of the Witness. Vampire alliance FTW (for the win). This depicts that if you were kind hearted, the people (or should I say vampires) around you will support your fight to what is right.
5. Vampire-Wolves Alliance. Did I just say that vampire alliance is for the win. How about, vampires plus wolves. JUST PURE AWESOMENESS.
7. Bella's strength and gift of shield. The super strength is not surprising for a new vampire. This adds to some funny moments in the movie, just like the fist fight with Emmett and the running scenes with Edward. The gift of shield was cute also. The realization why Edward can't read Bella's mind. She is indeed born to be a vampire.
8. Alice's bright ideas. I gotta say she's the most sassy, intelligent vampire. I love all her very matalino scenes. Upon seeing the future of Nessie's life in danger, she left a letter of advice to the Cullens, and left a clue found on the torn piece of a book. Then comes the passport idea, and the preparation for Jacob and Nessie's escape. And of course when she and Jasper come back during the Volturi encounter, and the twist that WOWed us. :)
9. The action scene. I love love the vampire power play, wherein they use each unique gift of abilities to fight each other. And the pugutan-ng-ulo-then-sunugan part. Bravo. Haha. The scene I am most affected that I almost cried is when Carlilse's head was torned. And when Aro's head was torned also, I don't know what feelings I felt. Just WOW.
10. The reminiscing. From Twilight to Breaking Dawn, I will love it for a thousand years.
Thank you for being part of my endless daydreams. :)
Twilight fan,

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