Inspired by Lia Cruz's If I Were a Boy...Oh Wait,I'm Not?, I'd like to share a stuff that I love to do which expresses the some kinda manly side of me. There are things that are typically done by boys wherein I enjoy doing. I started being fascinated with construction stuffs since I was a little girl. My lolo is a carpenter. He does masterpieces (or not.haha) made of lumber. Give him wood, saw, hammer, and nail, then presto, you have an instant household paraphernalia, name it from chair to cabinet to shelf to shoe rack and the like. As far as I remember, almost all of the stuffs that he created became useful naman. He usually let me buy paint, cement, nails and a nearby hardware, the reason why at very young age, I know the terms de dos, uno medya, de unong pako. I like watching him while doing his carpentry. I remember before, when he was still strong, we have a new item in our house weekly, or if not new, a redesigned one. I enjoy construction. It must be one of the the reason why my chosen career path is in the field of Civil Engineering. Living in all-girl home for more than 5 years now, we cannot avoid some construction-related things to do. Although my uncle is just a call away to help us fix an item, I'm usually game in doing the little repairs. I take care the nailing, screwing, painting, and others. When we need a hook/handle for something, when a door is broken, or when a paint is fading, I'm handling the repair. Our tool box is my friend. I'll do house repairs over stitching/sewing or doing laundry because I find it more fun. Maybe that is also a sort of preparation for me in a bigger construction that I'll be encountering upon entering the Civil Engineering industry. And that is The Man in Me. Bow.

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