Day 08 - Short term goals for this month and why
On work
Goal: Finish all work stuff (April 14 cutoff) inserted in my Pending Folder
Reason: Because naluluma na yung iba. Hihi. Should really work hard to finish a job in a maximum of 1 month.
On profession
Goal: Get my C.E. Board Certificate
Reason: Because naluluma na din sya sa PRC. It's been more than 1 year that I am planning to claim that but I'm just too busy , aaah, or maybe lazy.
On being a fan girl
Goal: Get my signed Taylor Swift album
Reason: See reason above. Replace PRC with co-Swifter. Haha
On personal life
Goal: Review 2012 bucket list and make at least 1 within a month period.
Reason: I always look forward to doing something new. I'm on the 2nd quarter of 2012 and as now I've only done 10 of 113.
These are all effective on April 17, 2012. Because 17 is an ex crush's jersey number. Because 17 is Chris Tiu's jersey number. Because it's my favorite blogger, Patty Laurel's birthday. Because it was 17th day of the month when I saw my dream guy. ♥

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