i met You in a dance party
yOu approach me sweetly, sincerely
yoUr hands on My waist
my hands on your shoUlder.
we talk under the night sky
Silently, lovely, softly
as the music plays slowly
you are close to me.
we see each oTher again
we had random talks and laughter
But things didn't go our way
wE gone separate the next day.
you love Me first
i love You then
but Our feelings didN't mEet
on the riGht time, Right placE.
you moved on, i was left
hAnging with question what happened
when love That is supposed to grow
eventualLy just ended.
i wasn't mad even you brOke my heart
still you made me happy loVe
the short time i had you in my life
the lovE life i won't deny.

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