When I heard the announcement of the activity, I was just too excited to be with you again. We may not talk or smile to each other or whatsoever yet I am just glad to have the chance to stare at you. We were never groupmates from past events and I am thankful and happy that finally we were in one team in this activity. I was unhappy though because you weren't in our bus. I found you in the resort lobby. When the group activities have started, I hope you didn't notice that my face light up because of excitement. I heard your voice that made me smile and melts me. Your voice that I won't get tired of hearing. And then our group are laughing. We are laughing together. You suddenly transferred place and walk away from my left view. Did you catch me staring? There I found you at my back. Too cute, too shallow, sorry not sorry. I wonder if you're staring at me too. Feelers,sorry. I did enjoy all the activities that we had. Seems like we had to agree with decisions. I adore how smart and witty are you. You were walking behind us when we're about to look for our room assignment. During the party, we were side by side or at each other's back most of the time. I don't know if it's my trick to follow you or vice versa. Haha. I actually regret declining the drink you offered. I see you everywhere, maybe because I chose to. Seems like I always have to find you. I got the perfect view from my seat to your seat during breakfast. I got no glasses while in the beach and pool yet still I catch a glimpse of you. In the bus,we are finally together. I'm in the same column with you, at almost farthest back seat. We always find each other. We may find us at each other's back but we will never be together.

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