Saturday, November 7, 2015


Weekender has always been a big deal for me. As much as possible, my Friday and Saturday should be a lakwatsa day, may it be alone or with friends. Fridays are usually spent with officemate friends over dinner. Saturdays are impromptu most of the time. I decide hang outs during Saturday lunch time after work. I try reaching out friends from everywhere to join me in my short noticed whereabouts. I frequently end up solo. Haha huhu. Every Saturday, you can see me around the malls going window shopping, movie watching, resto hopping. My digital perm is a product of "wala akong magawa on a Saturday." I have also tried spending weekends at book signing events, ocean park, and at science exhibit tour. Today, I kidnapped Jinky since she have no date and we went to Ayala because YOLO. Ano daw?! We met up in SM Makati and I am about to back out when I saw that we are wearing the same blouse. Haha. Couple shirt shit. Arte! Haha. 

We were supposed to eat in Banapple but our buchet (as Jinky would say ✌️) is limited. We end up having late lunch in Pizza Hut and it was worth it. It was just we were seated beside each other in a half circle couch meant for magjowa! Arte ulit. Haha. 

We then go to bookstore to book hunt and window shop for clothes, shoes, accessories. Girl thang! 

happy place!!!
bride to be :)
only those who watched me, earl, and the dying girl will understand
christmas vibe 
mirror selfie of the twins

I found a nice floor in Made in Candy so it's a #shoeselfie and #ihavethisthingwithfloors photo opportunity. Hihi. 


And this cuuuuute wall!!! From Roy&Biv


We thought of going to BGC and I almost said go! Thankful I said no. Ain't ready yet for surprise/unexpected people to see. Blind item. Hoho.

We decided to go to Greenbelt and while strolling, Jinky was invited to try a hair iron. Funny that she knew the girl who sells that item. 

She got curled and I had the naughty idea of pranking Jaymee and Mariz. We've been encouraging Jinky to try the digital perm and until now she have not decided. I then send a photo of her to our group chat and the rest of the story below. 

They then join us in our Greenbelt getaway. I found a nice lighting fixture in Ayala Museum Cafe and of course took a photo for ig purposes. I realized I've been adoring lamps lately.


When we finally got complete, we Happy Lemon for my love of Chris Tiu and grab something to eat in Wendys.


By the way, we tell the truth about the joke curls. Hihi. We cap off the night in a Pandora booth. 

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